
How to delete microsoft edge search history
How to delete microsoft edge search history

how to delete microsoft edge search history

The real issue here is that Microsoft Edge doesn’t simply store its history in plain files, but rather keeps it in a database. %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\ACįirst of all, you need to enable your settings to view hidden files in order to be able to see that file location, but that’s not the main problem.

how to delete microsoft edge search history

The file location where Microsoft Edge keeps the browsing history is: Back in the old days with Internet Explorer this used to be easy, when Internet Explorer stored the browsing history in a simple file folder, but nowadays with Microsoft Edge this is not so straightforward anymore. Sometimes people go looking for the Microsoft Edge history file location, for instance when they want to copy their internet history over to another computer. You’ve now seen how to find sites in your browsing history, how to remove individual websites from your browsing history and how to clear your entire browsing history, which pretty much sums it all up. That is in a nutshell how Microsoft Edge history works. (Clicking an entry with a searching glass will launch an internet search with the respective search phrase). Of course you can also click any of the entries that appear with a clock icon in this list and you will immediately be taken to the website. You can recognize the entries by the clock icon (circled in red in the image above).

How to delete microsoft edge search history